Love Me Conditionally, Please

Heart-on-red-background-free-stock-photo-hd-public-domain-picturesEvery now and then I hear somebody explain their love for someone, or justify staying in a relationship that s/he has outgrown, in terms of unconditional love. Two or three months ago, someone used this on me. He was grappling

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Minding the Gap

mind-the-gap1) When I was a child, my mother couldn’t bear what a picky eater I was, or how interminably slow I was in doing the eating. As a result, she often set a timer. If I wasn’t finished eating by … Read More

An Extraordinary Life

Pete Seeger

Pete Seeger has always been one of those famous musicians from the past with whom I knew I should be more familiar, but just never had gotten around to it. After seeing the documentary Pete Seeger: The Power of Song Read More

What matters to me and why? And how am I living that and standing by it?

It seems to me that things have been floating up from the past a lot lately. Or maybe they just always do – for me, for humans. Due to various circumstances, I find myself asking the questions of the subject … Read More

The Rain & the Rhinoceros

I just love this Thomas Merton passage that my dear friend Kathryn sent to me just before my trip back to my “beloved catskills” this past summer. It seemed appropriate then, but will forever strike chords in my heart, I Read More